Our Pain Management Unit is a department specialized in the treatment of chronic pain (generally regarded as an extended period of three months or more), and it is headed by a Senior Neurosurgeon, specialised in pain management for the past 25 years at the Regional University Hospital, Málaga.
Our experts can offer a supportive care and treatment plan tailored to your needs, combining care providers from different backgrounds and access to a wide variety of treatment options to ensure you receive innovative, comprehensive and supportive care and treatment.

Services offered by the Pain Management Unit at Helicopteros Sanitarios:

The Unit concentrates on pain from injury / compression of the nerve tissue (neuralgia):

  • Raniofacial (head and face)
  • Cervicobraquialgia (neck pain radiating to the arm)
  • Intercostal (between the ribs)
  • Lumbar sciatic (lower back)
  • Coccyx pain C.P.R.S. (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome – Sudeck’s atrophy)

In addition, our Unit is specialised in treating:

  • Headaches
  • Myofascial pain by altering the muscular balance
  • Neurovascular pain in extremities (Raynaud, Buerger syndromes)
  • Osteo-degenerative processes (Facet syndrome, osteoarthritis, sacroiliitis)
  • Lower back pain
  • Failed back surgery
  • Central nervous system spasticity
  • Cancer / visceral pain

Other treatments:

  • Infiltration of the spine, large joints and muscle groups (the injection of local anaesthetics, steroids etc)
  • Radiofrequency neurotomy (nerve block)
  • Neurostimulation: cortical, medular - peripheral (PENS), subcutaneous and sacral Neuromodulation by continuous infusion into the Subarachnoid space