Our Anesthesiology Unit aims to help patients see that injections and other procedures can play a role in treating a specific pain condition. Essentially, it always necessary to precede any anaesthetic procedure with a rigorous preoperative assessment (risk assessment and optimisation of patient status) and that the quality of medical equipment and material (ie. a hospital with the latest technology) that is offered assures the best treatment all times.

Services offered by the Anesthesiology Unit at Helicopteros Sanitarios:

  • Surgical Anaesthesia – We always review any anaesthetic procedure using a rigorous preoperative procedure to review the best plan for the individual. Rest assured the quality of the medical equipment and material offered, assures the best treatment all times. Many potentially painful procedures and minimally invasive aesthetic medicine, endoscopy, radiology and other diagnostic tests may be performed with sedation offering minimal risk to the patient.
  • Resuscitation – The Ability to deal with emergencies before, during and after anaesthesia and the ability to stabilise a patient's condition is paramount in our thinking and procedure. We are also well versed in the practice of recognition and management of life-threatening arrhythmias including defibrillation and drug therapy.
  • Pain Treatment - Lead by our team of great doctors, we are committed to finding the best ways to treat patients in the perioperative period and to treat those with severe pain whether that be after surgery, chronic or cancer pain.